Friday, June 21, 2013

First Day of Summer....


Out of the pot and much to my surprise, this Berberis produced 
a wonderful pink, pinky-peach color all by itself.

Maple Tree Seed Pods

The Maple seeds produced a wonderful cinnamon color. 
With the addition of iron, a nice dark brown. 

Cherry Tree Leaves

With the cherry tree leaves in the pot, the water was a deep purple. 
Adding silk and wool, the color  was a chocolate brown 
with a hint of purple when you looked at it sideways. 

Macleaya Poppy

The big surprise was the dye color from the Macleaya or Plume Poppy leaves. 

In the pot today is Indigofera leaves from the front yard at the farm 
and Iochroma australis. The Iochroma isn't supposed to be hardy in Tacoma, 
but it has lived in the warm arms of the pellet stove for many years.

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